welp, i didnt win the contest, bad webcomics wiki found my comic, my penis shrank an inch, and the bank seized my dog. could be worse. i aint gonna lie i kinda needed that cash but alls well ends well. glad to have even participated. congrats to the winners of the sweet sixteen comic contest. ill keep trucking along and working hard as fuck on my comic. this shits my dream. im very rarely ever sincere on the internet because frankly sincerity gets chewed up and spat out all the time online. i love making comics and art. i hope someday i figure out how to turn this into a few dollar signs. its hard out here, but im stubborn and passionate, and ive got plenty of time to eek it out and carve a place out for myself and my art in this world. it only gets harder but we only keep truckin. we makin a whole lotta noise
Yeah id say keep at it. You have a bold use of color that is refreshing.
Contests are tough because judges are human so we naturally bring our own discerning eye to the equation and it’s important to not take it personally when it doesn’t work out. Good luck!